Secured Managed Hosting

XeroDefense ONE

This hosting package is designed for static html, wordpress, joomla, drupal, or other cms type websites. We will create an appearance that your site is actually in the USA but actually locate your real website and data on our international infrastructure that is not connected with any USA based organizations that would have the power/authority/jurisdiction to shut down or terminate service. You cannot be shut down or silenced.
Fully Managed Service
USA Front Gateway Server to give appearance of location inside USA.
50GB SSD Storage
Domain Setup or New Domain
SSL Certificate
25 Secure E-mail Accounts
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Daily Virus/Malware Scanning
Real-time Threat Detection & Mitigation
Automated Banning/Blocking of Attackers
Virus/Malware Removal Upon Detection
Disaster Recovery including Daily Backup
Control Panel Login

  • Includes
XeroDefense E-Commerce

This hosting package is designed for e-commerce type websites. We will create an appearance that your site is actually in the USA but actually locate your real website and data on our international infrastructure that is not connected with any USA based organizations that would have the power/authority/jurisdiction to shut down or terminate service. You cannot be shut down or silenced.
Fully Managed Service
USA Front Gateway Server to give appearance of location inside USA.
100GB SSD Storage
Domain Setup or New Domain
SSL Certificate
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Daily Virus/Malware Scanning
Real-time Threat Detection & Mitigation
Automated Banning/Blocking of Attackers
Virus/Malware Removal Upon Detection
Disaster Recovery including Daily Backup
Control Panel Login

  • Includes
XeroDefense Business

This hosting package is designed for business applications such as a SuiteCRM, Matomo Analytics, etc. We will create an appearance that your site is actually in the USA but actually locate your application and data on our international infrastructure that is not connected with any USA based organizations that would have the power/authority/jurisdiction to shut down or terminate service. You cannot be shut down or silenced.
Fully Managed Service
USA Front Gateway Server to give appearance of location inside USA.
100GB SSD Storage
Domain Setup or New Domain
SSL Certificate
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Daily Virus/Malware Scanning
Real-time Threat Detection & Mitigation
Automated Banning/Blocking of Attackers
Virus/Malware Removal Upon Detection
Disaster Recovery including Daily Backup
Control Panel Login

  • Includes
XeroDefense Application

This hosting package is designed for custom applications or sites that need larger storage and have more than 5,000 visitors daily. We will create an appearance that your site is actually in the USA but actually locate your real website and data on our international infrastructure that is not connected with any USA based organizations that would have the power/authority/jurisdiction to shut down or terminate service. You cannot be shut down or silenced.
Fully Managed Service
USA Front Gateway Server to give appearance of location inside USA.
1TB SSD Storage
Domain Setup or New Domain
SSL Certificate
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Daily Virus/Malware Scanning
Real-time Threat Detection & Mitigation
Automated Banning/Blocking of Attackers
Virus/Malware Removal Upon Detection
Disaster Recovery including Daily Backup
Control Panel Login

  • Includes
XeroDefense Video

This package is designed for content creators that wish to move off of “Big Tech” sites that may censor, curate, interfere, de-platform, etc. The base package will support 3,000+ streaming broadcast viewers / 250K+ Video Views per 24 Hours at 1080p and enough storage for 1,000 videos. We will create an appearance that your site is actually in the USA but actually locate your real website and data on our international infrastructure that is not connected with any USA based organizations that would have the power/authority/jurisdiction to shut down or terminate service. You cannot be shut down or silenced.
Fully Managed Service
USA Front Gateway Server to give appearance of location inside USA.
4TB SSD Storage
Domain Setup or New Domain
SSL Certificate
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Daily Virus/Malware Scanning
Real-time Threat Detection & Mitigation
Automated Banning/Blocking of Attackers
Virus/Malware Removal Upon Detection
Disaster Recovery including Daily Backup
Control Panel Login

  • Includes